Strawberry Frost

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Div II ‘Strawberry Frost’  cv.  (L. martagon (purple-flowered) x L. martagon var. cattaniae)  H: Mrs. J.Ericksen, pre-1984 G:,N:1993 &Reg:1993: D.Dale I: Parkland Perennials.  Inside white on inner 1⁄2, deep, dark purple-red at tips and with chocolate throat, outside deep purple-red with some white margins showing maroon spotting; numerous, tiny, maroon spots over the white part of each petal; nectaries cream green; pollen rust-coloured. Fls 50mm wide; petals 36 x 20mm, not ruffled, strongly recurved. Lvs whorled, 140 x 35mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, black, with 22-26 fls. Early July.