Rose Tattoo

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 Div II ‘Rose Tattoo’  cv.  (('Pink Attraction' x 'Juanita') x un-named pink and white seedling)  H:1985, G:1991, N:1993 &Reg:1993: E.E.Fox I: Fox Lily Ranch, 1994.  Inside rose at tips, white in centre, throat cream; outside deep rose on midribs, suffused rose on remainder, with white margins; spotted maroon, the spots small near petal centres, but getting larger and more blotch-like near the tips; nectaries celery green; pollen golden. Fls 55mm wide; petals 45 x 13mm, not ruffled, tips strongly recurved. Lvs whorled. Stems 1.4m, brown, with 16-22 fls. Late June-early July.